If you’ve popped into 54 St James Street recently, you may have seen a lovely new face in reception! Cortney joined us over a month ago as facilities administrator. Cortney has slotted in so perfectly as part of the 54 facilities team and is always willing to give a helping hand to staff at The WO, tenants, or guests who come in.

Have a little read below to find out more about Cortney and just how she ended up with us here at The Women’s Organisation. And be sure to say hello to her next time you’re here.


What’s your full name and where are you from?

Cortney Simmons, originally from Nottingham but lived in Liverpool most of my life. 

Tell me how you first found out about The Women’s Organisation and became part of our team.

My search for a new career path led me to The Women’s Organisation. I began my research into the company and loved what I found, the minute I saw the company’s ethos (and a vacancy!) I jumped at the opportunity without hesitation.


What kind of things have you done prior to coming to The Women’s Organisation?

Most of my previous work has been in the hospitality industry, ranging from David Lloyd to the Hilton. I’ve pretty much worked in all areas of a hotel, starting from the chef, moving into waitressing, and finally found myself on reception. It was the reception where I found myself happiest as it came with a lot of organisation.

What has surprised you about working at The Women’s Organisation?

How supportive this company is for women. It’s empowering!

What’s the best thing about working at The Women’s Organisation so far?

The office dogs Marsha & Pepper

What might someone be surprised to know about you?

I am also a qualified make-up artist, I studied for 3 years and fell in love with the creativity and how rewarding working in the industry is.

What are your top 3 favourite films?

  • Labyrinth
  • The Never-ending Story 
  • The Notebook

What do you do when you aren’t working? 

When I’m not working, you’ll either find me relaxing with a book at home, or training in Muay Thai at the gym. I’m also a MASSIVE foodie (so if you know anywhere with good veggie food, let me know!) This is my nephew Louie and my dog Tia.

If you could change anything in the world, what would you change?

The ideology from society assumes that everyone is to follow a set pattern of rules/goals to live a successful and happy life. Everybody has a different journey. 

What’s your favourite quote?

Every day is a new day to be a better version of yourself!”

Thank you, Cortney, you brighten up our office.


If you are in need of event space or office space get in contact with our facilities team at venue@thewo.org.uk or call 0151 706 8111