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Women’s Workplace Wellness

Women’s Workplace Wellness

A comprehensive range of bundles containing tools, guides, and information to help small businesses to attract and retain female talent by fostering a supportive workplace culture that prioritises women’s health and well-being. 

You can also register here for the Women’s Workplace Wellness Advocacy Programme.

Our Bundles are:

The Menopause at Work Bundle

The Maternal Health at Work Bundle

The Menstrual Health at Work Bundle

The Women at Work Bundle

The Flexible Work Bundle

Each bundle features:

  • The Small Business Conversation Podcast: Gain valuable insights and information from a range of experts in law, health, research, and business as they discuss critical topics surrounding women’s health in the workplace.
  • The Women’s Workplace Wellness Toolkits: These specially curated toolkits, developed in collaboration with Morecrofts LLP, provide SMEs across England with a wealth of resources, including training materials, policy guidance, and up-to-date legal information, to effectively address the needs of employees experiencing all aspects of women’s health needs. 
  • Links to access our knowledge hub: Access additional information and learn more about women’s health at a time and place that suits you and your business needs. 

You can gain immediate access to all of these bundles by completing the form below: 

What is the Women’s Workplace Wellness project? 

The UK Government’s Women’s Health Strategy published in 2022 highlighted the importance of supporting women’s reproductive health in the workplace and the impact it has on productivity, health and wellbeing, staff retention and development.  

By taking steps to look after women’s health in the workplace, you will achieve real benefits for your small business and your workforce.   

We are developing resources and information to support small and medium-sized businesses to implement meaningful changes which will provide valuable results for their organisation.   

We have worked with the SME community since 1996, with a particular focus on the challenges and opportunities faced by women in the workplace. This includes understanding the health and social factors that restrict progression and business growth. We are building on in-depth research in these areas to give you the tools to create a workplace where women can reach their true potential, and business can reach new heights as a result.     

Our team of small business professionals is working closely with clinical and legal experts as well as SME owners to develop easily accessible and relevant resources, that will deliver real progress for the small business community and wider UK economy.   

“Women have specific healthcare needs, compared to their male counterparts, and despite women making up over half of the workforce in the UK, most SMEs do not understand the scale of the support and flexibility required. 

“This project is vital in effecting positive change within SMEs in the UK, helping to break down taboos around women’s reproductive health, delivering better outcomes for women’s equality, and – fundamentally – improving business performance as a direct result.” 

Maggie O’Carroll, CEO of The Women’s Organisation 

“Women’s health and wellbeing is an important topic for people to be aware of – to take back to their workplaces, to look at their staff and what might be affecting them. Employers need to think about how they can make the lives of their employees better, because it helps their businesses to be better. If we don’t, we’re in danger of losing some very capable and experienced women from the workforce – and that would be damaging to all of us.” 

Alison Lobb, Managing Partner, Morecrofts

Watch Women’s Workplace Wellness: An Introduction

Investing in your employees’ health and well-being is not only the right thing to do but also a strategic advantage. Our resource bundles empower you to cultivate a thriving workplace that can help to attract and retain top female talent, boost productivity, and drive your business forward. 

For more information, get in touch with the team at hello@thewo.org.uk or follow us on LinkedIn by clicking here. 

Supported by the VCSE Health and Wellbeing Fund, part of a partnership programme between Department of Health & Social Care, NHS England, and UK Health Security Agency.