Many individuals and families across the country are grappling with the immense pressures of financial hardship, exacerbated by factors such as disability, caregiving responsibilities, and the rising cost of living. The challenges faced by this client are symptomatic of a wider societal issue and highlight the urgent need for support services.

While we cannot share specific details of other clients due to confidentiality, countless individuals have sought assistance from the Mind & Money Programme, facing a variety of complex financial circumstances.

This case follows an anonymous client we will call Ines*.

Ines is a single parent to a son with Autism Spectrum Disorder, and sole carer for her mother. While already juggling immense responsibilities, a combination of low income and the cost of living crisis has left the family in severe financial hardship.

Initially, Ines approached the service seeking information on charitable grants and trust funds. However, a few weeks later their Universal Credit payments were stopped due to a failed Habitual Residency Test, increasing their financial difficulties.

Shortly after, their private landlord served them with a Section 21 notice citing rent arrears of approx. £2900

With mounting expenses, Ines found herself in a desperate struggle to make ends meet.

How did the Mind and Money programme help? 

After Ines approached Citizens Advice Liverpool, they were assigned a Clients Financial Wellbeing Advice Keyworker who was able to help with applications and access to multiple charities and funds.

As a result, Ines was provided with a single bed, mattress and bedding for son, food bank vouchers, supermarket vouchers and other help with living expenses to the value of approx. £850.

Following a successful Application to the National Benevolent Award, Ines was also awarded £400.00 towards their Rent Arrears.

Ines’ assigned keyworker assisted with an application for all eligible benefits including Child DLA & Carers Allowance, and helped Ines submit mandatory reconsiderations to Universal Credit.

This included guidance through the appeal process, including internal referrals to specialist welfare rights advice.

Where is the client now?  

Since accessing support,, Ines’ financial situation has improved, resulting in a reduction in financial worry, stress and anxiety for the whole household, and an improvement in mental health and emotional wellbeing overall.

Facing and tackling financial struggles has improved the household’s financial capabilities. Ines will feel empowered and confident to manage money matters in the future, and will feel assured that help is available.

Through the Mind & Money programme, the client has been heard in their financial hardship and can feel assured that help is available.

Get In Touch 

Are you looking for additional well-being help, advice, and financial support in Liverpool city region? Are you struggling with the cost of living crisis, food prices, and energy bills?

If you need help with any of the above, or would like to know more about the assistance received by our client, please contact our friendly team on 0151 706 0113 or

Our advisors and support workers are here to help you reach your goals. 

Visit our Mind & Money information page here to learn more about the programme.