As the world slowly emerges once again, there are a myriad of new markets and opportunities to consider that flow from the Covid-19 pandemic. The Women’s Organisation partnered up with NatWest to deliver an informative and creative webinar, advising how to connect to a wider and more diverse audience after such trialling times.


Natalie Hughes and Nicholas McCafferty lead us through some fundamentals of where to start.


Top pointers we took away from the webinar were….


How well do you know your existing customers?

. Who are you customers?

. What are their behaviours?

. Why do they buy from you?

. How do they find you?

. What type of relationship do they want from you?


By answering these questions and having a clear guide on who and why you customers approach you, will aid you into being able to strategically target the correct audience.


The webinar also taught us to expand our reach before starting. They advised implementing this by three simple words.


Build, Measure and learn:

. Have you got the right business model?

. Are we targeting the right customer segment?

. Is our product/service meeting a customers need?

. Do we need new customers, or could we sell more to our existing?


The overall webinar was advising to re-connect with existing customers/clients, focus on how to expand your reach to new customers and also revisiting your original business plan for loose ends. Many people think by going back to your business plan that it’s a step back, but by taking these steps you are one step closer to reaching new opportunities and new markets.


If you are a women looking for support to grow your business, The Women’s Organisation can help those in Liverpool City Region or Greater Manchester through our European Regional Development Fund supported programmes Enterprise Hub and Excelerate Labs.  Contact our team for more info via

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