Wellbeing Wednesday at The WO

Every Wednesday, our email inboxes are brightened up with our wellbeing Wednesday emails from our wonderful colleagues Victoria & Germaine. Because we find these emails so helpful, we wanted to share them with you too and hopefully it can brighten up your day.


Happy Eurovision Wellbeing Wednesday of May! Here are some helpful hints and tips to support your well-being this week.


👉 This week’s TOP TIP 🏆 – Give kind comments to as many people as possible today!


👉  What to WATCH? 📺 – Five lessons Eurovision taught us about better mental health – Have you ever wondered what lessons we can learn about better mental health from the most glorious song contest in the world, Eurovision? In this video Jeremy Godwin looks at five lessons Eurovision has taught us about better mental health and wellbeing with practical advice you can put into action immediately https://youtu.be/GBnAboQUHY0


👉 In this week’s recommended LISTEN 👂, ‘Eurovisioncast’ – The Ryder Revolution – Dare you not to fall in love with the Eurovision star Sam Ryder as he chats Mae Muller, Liverpool, and being Zen  https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p0fd720b


👉 Test your Eurovision knowledge 🧠  with the email bonus content this week – the WO Eurovision quiz – https://forms.gle/Bam4GRzDmf42Don4A


If you are looking for a course that will give you the tools and strategies you need to become more assertive in your day-to-day life. Check out our Activate Your Assertiveness course.

Wellbeing Wednesday at The WO

Thursday 1st June, 10 am – 12 pm 

This two-hour course will give you the tools and strategies you need to become more assertive! Throughout the workshop, you will cover…

📌Understanding why people are more assertive than others

📌Find out the secrets of assertive people and their key techniques.

📌The top tips and tricks to activate your assertiveness in your personal and professional life.

To book your place, click here

Check out all our personal development courses here


✨ Have a wonderful week ✨