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Small Business Conversation Podcast Bundle


Episode 1 – The Small Business Conversation: Episode 1 – Women’s Health in The Workplace with Dr Paula Briggs



The Small Business Conversation: Episode 2 – Menopause in the Workplace with Dr Paula Briggs



The Small Business Conversation: Episode 3 – What SME Employers Need To Know Pt2 with Charles Millet


The Small Business Conversation: Episode 4 – What SME Employers Need To Know Pt1 with Charles Millet


The Small Business Conversation: Episode 5 – The Women’s Health Strategy with Catherine McClennan


The Small Business Conversation: Episode 6 – Maternal Health and Pregnancy with Catherine McClennan

The Small Business Conversation: Episode 7 – Maternal Mental Health with Dr. Krystal Wilkinson

The Small Business Conversation: Episode 8 – Fertility Treatment & Employment with Dr Krystal Wilkinson


The Small Business Conversation: Episode 9 – The Good Employment Charter with Ian MacArthur


The Small Business Conversation: Episode 10 – Periods and Menstrual Health in The Workplace with Dr. Krystal Wilkinson



The Small Business Conversation: Episode 11 – Job Design & Flexible Working with Ian MacArthur