Poor mental health and money management are often heavily interlinked. Many find themselves stuck in a harsh cycle between worrying about money which then effects their wellbeing, whilst others struggle to manage their money due to a mental health issue.

With the cost of living crisis adding extra pressure, we are seeing a record amount of people in our communities approaching the Mind and Money programme for support with their financial well being. This is a story of an anonymous male client who approached our partners Citizen’s Advice St Helens.
The client was referred by a local foodbank and was assigned his caseworker, Gillian. During their first appointment, the client revealed that he has been unable to work for 10 years due to depression, anxiety, and a physical tremor. His sole income was universal credit and he was unable to pay for food or heating. The client was adamant that he is fully capable of budgeting as he has no debts, but the main issue is a lack of income.
How did the Mind and Money programme help?
The client’s case worker Gillian supported him in completing a PIP (personal independence payment) application which was accepted in 2023. This meant he was awarded with an extra £63.10 a week. Before approaching Citizen’s Advice, the client was awarded a LCW (Limited Capability for Work) which meant he was still expected to job search with no additional income. Gillian submitted a Mandatory Reconsideration for a LCWRA which was accepted in December 2023. This meant he was awarded the extra funds he was entitled to.
With successful applications for PIP and LCWRA, this leaves the client with an extra £685.16 better off per month. Since then, his mental health and wellbeing has increased significantly. He has noted that if it wasn’t for the support and encouragement from Citizen’s Advice St Helens, he wouldn’t be where he is today and is very grateful for the advice he has received.
Get in touch for support with your money and mental health
We can help anyone in the Liverpool city region looking for support with the cost of living crisis and other financial support. From building healthy money habits to supporting you to apply for benefits, our partners and ourselves are to support you. Contact us at hello@thewo.org.uk or call us on 0151 706 0113.