Shocking statistics from 2023 show that nearly 30% of women have experienced domestic abuse during their lifetime. This means two women a week in England and Wales are killed by a current or former partner. (World Health Organisation) 

Many women report feeling financially trapped by their situation and worry they will be unable to support themselves or their children if they were to leave.  

However, for women in this situation, there is help available.  

This case follows an anonymous female who, at the time of seeking support, was 36 weeks pregnant and living in a refuge due to fleeing domestic violence. Due to fleeing from their home, they were left with no household items, but had been allocated a two-bed roomed property and was due to move imminently.   

Following a talk from the CAB team at the Halton’s Women Centre, the client was referred to us from the LCR financial resilience project by Halton Women’s Centre. 

How did Mind and Money help? 

Mind and Money provided the client with Aldi vouchers so that they could buy food and essentials. Following the birth of their child, the baby was smaller than expected meaning several clothing items were too big. With the help of Mind and Money, an application to Children in Need Emergency Essentials fund was made who awarded the client £50 to buy clothing.   

The client was also supported in making an application for Child Benefit.   

At the time the client had no cooking utensils, and the Housing Association had not been in touch regarding when their items were likely to be delivered. An adviser called the Housing Association to clear up any issues and the order was expedited.   

Where is the client now? 

The client now has an appointment booked to help them with making sure that their energy and other bills have been set up correctly and that they are receiving the best deals in their new property.   

This client feels now supported in her start as a new mother with housing, clothing for the child, cooking implements and child benefits.  

Contact us 

We can help anyone in the Liverpool city region looking for support with the cost-of-living crisis and other financial support. From building healthy money habits to supporting you to apply for benefits, our partners and ourselves are to support you. Contact us at or call us on 0151 708 8113.